ASDAN qualifications membership information

Join ASDAN with a qualifications membership

ASDAN offers a range of nationally approved qualifications based around the development of personal, social and employability skills. Centres must be approved by ASDAN to deliver our qualifications. Information about the centre approval process is below.

To ensure your centre meets the ASDAN approval criteria, a centre approval visit will be required; this visit will incur a cost, please see the pricing and fees information for further details.


  • Join ASDAN with a qualifications membership
  • Read the guide to centre approval booklet.
  • Once registered, visit centre approval section in members area and complete: 
    • Centre agreement
    • Satellite & partnership arrangements
    • Staffing & conflict of interest
  • Attend the appropriate training

Buy Qualifications membership

Centre approval 

As an awarding organisation, ASDAN must ensure that all centres have policies and procedures in place to deliver our qualifications effectively and with integrity and that these policies and procedures meet our regulatory requirements.  All new centres that request qualifications for the first time will be subject to a Centre Approval Visit, this applies to existing centres that upgrade from Programmes or Programmes Plus membership to a Qualifications membership. The cost for this activity is £370 and all other costs can be found in the pricing and fees information.

ASDAN qualifications should not be delivered until full approval has been granted and mandatory training has been completed.

Centres are required to provide the information requested below in order to receive full approval status:

  • Confirmed centre agreement
  • Satellite and partnership information
  • Staffing and conflict of interest

Additional documents and policies will be required or reviewed at the centre approval visit and can be found within the booklet A Guide to Centre Approval.

What happens:

  1. Register as a qualifications member
  2. Your Regional Manager will contact you to discuss your training requirements
  3. ASDAN Compliance will contact you to arrange an approval visit
  4. An EQA will review your policies and procedures at the visit
  5. When all quality assurance reviews are concluded and training has been attended, you will be able to purchase your courses and assign learners and then you will be able to submit candidates for moderation

Review and renew centre approval documents

An annual renewal of the following documents/processes will be required:

  • Confirmed centre agreement
  • Satellite and partnership information
  • Staffing and conflict of interest

Should an existing qualifications member decide to suspend membership for longer than 18 months, a new approval visit will be required.  

Read the ASDAN qualifications centre guidance

Qualifications information

  • Entry 1, 2 and 3 (Access) qualifications meet the needs of learners working below GCSE (Intermediate) level
  • Levels 1 and 2 (Intermediate) qualifications are comparable in size to GCSEs 
  • Level 3 (Higher) qualifications are comparable in size to A/AS-levels 

Following amendments to the school and college performance tables in England, qualifications that do not rely on a written examination for assessment purposes, such as ASDAN qualifications, do not, themselves, contribute to the tables. There is however strong evidence that ASDAN qualifications improve performance in English and Mathematics, which are double weighted in the Progress 8 performance measure.

UCAS points have been ascribed to the Certificate of Personal Effectiveness (CoPE)Award of Personal Effectiveness (AoPE), Extended Project Qualification and Wider Key Skills (Northern Ireland only) qualifications at Level 3 as follows:

  • CoPE – 16 UCAS points
  • AoPE – 8 UCAS points
  • Extended Project Qualification – 28 UCAS points
  • Wider Key Skills – 6 UCAS points per skill (Northern Ireland only)

Qualifications status and approval: UK and Ireland

Our courses can support the Welsh Baccalaureate skills challenge certificate element through:

  • opportunities for individual investigation
  • work-related education, enterprise and employability
  • personal and social education
  • community participation projects
  • being a global citizen

We can also provide Welsh centres with opportunities to:

  • enhance and certificate transition activities from Key Stages 2 to 3
  • introduce GCSE-comparable qualifications into Key Stages 3 and 4
  • celebrate and recognise students’ wider achievement

In Wales, ASDAN qualifications can contribute towards school and college performance measures. For full details, see the list of qualification codes and performance figures for Wales and Northern Ireland.

Ranging from Access level (and below) to Higher level, ASDAN courses embrace the four capacities of the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence, enabling young people to become responsible citizens, confident individuals, effective contributors and successful learners.

ASDAN programmes and qualifications can fulfil many of the Curriculum for Excellence experiences and outcomes to help bring about improvements for all learners in Scotland.

Our programmes and qualifications can support:

  • the DENI 11–19 Entitlement Framework and the minimum statutory requirements of the Learning for Life and Work (LLW) Area of Learning, Employability, Personal Development and Local and Global Citizenship at Key Stages 3 and 4 and Home Economics at Key Stage 3
  • the requirement that all learners, post primary (or 11–19), develop their skills in being creative, working with others, self-management, managing information, thinking, problem solving and decision-making
  • Area Learning Communities/Local Community School Partnerships
  • the introduction of GCSE-comparable qualifications into Key Stages 3 and 4

In Northern Ireland, ASDAN qualifications can contribute towards school and college performance measures. For full details, see the list of qualification codes and performance figures for Wales and Northern Ireland.

ASDAN Preparing for Adulthood programmes are widely used by Irish post-primary schools (special and mainstream) and adult day care centres for learners with a wide range of intellectual disabilities.

The Preparing for Adulthood programmes can be used to support the Level 2 Learning Programmes (L2LP) within the Junior Cycle.

Short Courses are ideal for schools offering Transition Year options to students in the interim year between Junior Certificate and Leaving Certificate. They offer an alternative to both national Transition Year units of work and school-designed units.

Short Courses are also ideally suited to vocational educational centres offering Youthreach programmes to young people who are long-term unemployed or have left school with few qualifications.

ASDAN qualifications are approved for pre- and post-16 provision by the regulatory authorities for England (Ofqual), Wales (Qualifications Wales) and Northern Ireland (CCEA). Qualification codes and accreditation and certification end dates are available.

In the Republic of Ireland, no ASDAN qualifications are approved. However, the full range of ASDAN programmes are available.

Need more information before becoming a member?

Our team can guide you towards the right membership tier for you and your learners. Please fill out this expression of interest form and an ASDAN expert will be in touch.
