About this course

What is it?

Moving On is a new course from ASDAN that will equip young people aged 16+ in the UK with the knowledge and skills they need to ‘move on’ to living independently. The course has been developed in partnership with practitioners to meet the needs of young people preparing to live independently for the first time, including young people who are leaving care.

Download this information booklet outlining the details and benefits of Moving On and a sample pack of our five favourite activities from the programme.

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To teach this course you must have one of these membership types:

  • Qualifications
  • Programmes Plus
  • Programmes

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Who is it for?

Young people in the UK aged 16 and over who are preparing to live independently for the first time. They may be leaving care, moving out of their family home or moving away to university.

Moving On helps to facilitate the conversations that young people will have with a trusted adult while preparing to live independently – this trusted adult could be a support worker, personal adviser, tutor, foster carer or parent. Centres delivering Moving On may include local authorities, leaving care teams, care providers, pupil referral units and colleges.


  • Supports young people as they make the transition from child to young adult.
  • Provides opportunities to develop knowledge and practical skills.
  • Offers the flexibility to choose relevant modules based on individual needs.
  • Encourages reflective practice, relating learning to personal situations and planning next steps.
  • Enables young people to build their own support network and relationships with people and organisations.
  • Rewards small steps of achievement and records progress.

Course structure

Moving On is structured around five different aspects of what it means to live independently as a young adult. These five areas closely link to the key areas of care leaver pathway plans.

Moving On is based on the five following modules:

  1. Building a home – tenancy, home maintenance, laundry, cleaning and home safety 
  2. Being healthy – physical health, emotional wellbeing, healthy eating and healthy living habits
  3. Starting your career – further and higher education, training, exploring job opportunities, applying for jobs and being an employee
  4. Managing money – budgeting, borrowing, saving and spending
  5. Relating to people – identity, healthy relationships, boundaries, support and being part of a community

Young people should work with a trusted adult to identify which modules they will complete based on their individual circumstances. The activities they complete within the modules can also be personalised and tailored to suit their needs.

Supporting resources

Each module is presented as a separate A5 module journal, containing information and activities and templates for reflection. These journals are designed to be kept by the young person as a source of information in the future. Download sample pages from each module journal:
Building a home, Being healthy, Starting your career, Managing money, Relating to people 

User notes are provided to support trusted adults delivering Moving On. These are specific to each module and include guidance on delivering the activities, how to write a reflective reference, links to additional resources and answers to the journal activities. View sample pages from the Moving On user notes.


Completion of each Moving On module is demonstrated through the completed module journal and a reflective reference from a trusted adult. This should show that the young person has gained the skills and knowledge they need to ‘move on’ in that aspect of living independently. Unlike many other ASDAN courses, there is no time or challenge requirement and young people do not need to compile a portfolio of evidence. It is the trusted adult who will confirm the young person has developed the necessary skills and knowledge.

Moving On is internally signed off within the centre. To complete a module, the following must be present:

  • completed module journal
  • Learner module reflection
  • reflective reference from a trusted adult

1. Staff training

  • The members of staff with overall responsibility for delivery should view the Moving On training webinar. This pre-recorded training can be accessed via: asdan.org.uk/training
  • Training to deliver Moving On is not a mandatory requirement, however it is highly recommended to ensure that the centre and learners obtain the maximum benefit from the programme.

2. Register with ASDAN

  • You will need ASDAN Programmes membership to deliver Moving On. Membership allows centres to purchase materials and access support, including regular mailings and updates.
  • Become a member at: asdan.org.uk/membership or manage your existing membership at: asdan.org.uk/membership-details

3. Create a new cohort

  • Create a new cohort using the ASDAN website: asdan.org.uk/member/cohorts
  • Specify a course co-ordinator, the expected completion date and the number of learners taking the course.
  • Select module journals for your learners.

4. Access supporting resources

  • Access supporting resources, including reflective reference templates and user notes from the course resources section of this page.
  • Digital versions of resources are available from ASDAN on request, to meet learner access needs.

5. Delivery and progress tracker

  • Deliver the course to your learners. Use the progress tracker to keep a record of which modules learners have completed: asdan.org.uk/member/cohorts

6. Internal quality assurance

  • Internally check all module journals to ensure that learners have completed the module. Ensure that reflective references written by a trusted adult are in place for all learners.
  • While Moving On is not externally moderated, ASDAN reserves the right to sample reflective references for quality assurance purposes.

7. Certification

  • Download module certificates using the progress tracker: asdan.org.uk/member/cohorts
  • Request printed Moving On course certificates for learners that have completed all five modules using the progress tracker: asdan.org.uk/member/cohorts
  • Printed certificates will be delivered to your centre within 20 working days.

Online training is available for practitioners delivering Moving On, with pre-recorded videos and digital training materials that can be accessed at any time. It provides an introduction to the course, along with guidance on the processes involved, course delivery and certification. This training course costs £95 per delegate. Book now


Item Price
Moving On module journal: Building a home £8.45
Moving On module journal: Being healthy £8.45
Moving On module journal: Preparing for work £8.45
Moving On module journal: Managing money £8.45
Moving On module journal: Relating to people £8.45


Item Price
Moving On module certificate: on completion of each module (downloadable PDF) Free
Moving On course certificate: for completion
of all five modules (printed by ASDAN)


Registrations and resources should be purchased through the members area of the ASDAN website: asdan.org.uk/member

Success stories

Moving On: pilot centre claims first certificate and readies student for college and independent life

A Wilderness Way has claimed the first module certificate for Moving On, ASDAN’s latest course designed for young people aged 16+ who are preparing to live independently for the first time. Jamie Diwell, Education Manager at A Wilderness Way, shares how the programme has given care leavers the confidence and control to make choices about their future.  

New Moving On programme: “an integral part of a care leaver’s journey”

ASDAN’s research found that as of March 2023, there were 170,000 care leavers in the UK. 30% of school leavers who were in care were not in employment, education or training (NEET) nine months after leaving school, compared to 7% of all school leavers. Barnet’s Education and Learning Service’s care leaver hub, Onwards and Upwards, tells us how Moving On develops young people’s awareness of what it means to live independently.