Personal Development Programmes

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About this course

ASDAN's Personal Development Programmes (PDP: Bronze, Silver and Gold) offer imaginative ways of developing, recording and certificating a wide range of young people’s personal qualities, abilities and achievements, as well as introducing them to new activities and challenges. All the programmes link to nationally recognised qualifications.

Download a flyer outlining the key features and benefits of PDP.


To teach this course you must have one of these membership types:

  • Programmes Plus
  • Qualifications

Already a member? Sign in

Who is it for?

ASDAN’s flagship Personal Development Programmes (PDP) have been used by centres for more than 20 years. They are suitable for use in all educational settings and are aimed at learners aged 13+ working at Entry level 3 to Level 1.

Programmes can count as half of the curriculum credits (six) required for the Certificate of Personal Effectiveness qualification at Levels 1 and 2. 

Facts and Figures

  • Six credits (approx. 60 hours) are needed to achieve Bronze
  • 12 credits (approx. 120 hours) are needed to achieve Silver
  • 18 credits (approx. 180 hours) are needed to achieve Gold


The Personal Development Programmes (PDP) feature 12 modules. Each learner must work from their own student book and compile a portfolio of evidence to show what they have done.

Students gain 1 or 2 credits for each section completed, with each credit representing about 10 hours of activity. Six credits are needed to achieve Bronze, 12 credits for Silver and 18 credits for Gold.

For the 2014 version of the student book, internally-moderated Bronze Credit certificates are available for any learner that completes less than 60 hours work.

Students are required to plan and review their work at key points, explaining how they have developed their skills in six areas: Ability to learn; Teamwork; Problem solving, IT skills; Literacy; and Numeracy. There are pro forma recording documents (Skills Sheets) to guide them.

Download our PDP fact sheet to see a printable overview of what the programme involves (PDF 167 KB)

Student book

The student book contains the following modules: Communication; My community; Sport and leisure; Independent living; My environment; Number handling; Health and wellbeing; World of work; Science and technology; The wider world; Expressive arts; Beliefs and values; and Combined studies. 

Download sample pages from the Bronze, Silver, Gold Student Book (PDF 2.31MB)

Each student must have a copy of their own book.

Getting started

New to ASDAN?

Your first step is to become a member of ASDAN. Read more about our membership tiers and the benefits of being a member.

Already a member?

If you are on our Programmes Plus membership, you can get started by purchasing materials below. We highly recommend that someone from your centre attends one of our introductory training workshops or we also provide in-house training sessions. 

You can upgrade your membership at any time under account settings.

ASDAN members' area

You can manage your courses, learners, orders and account settings in the members’ area. This also contains all the essential documents, forms and updates that you will need to deliver your course.


After students' work has been internally moderated, centres must register candidates for external moderation, which is carried out at a regional moderation meeting or by post. ASDAN will issue certificates following successful external moderation.

1. Staff training

• The members of staff with overall responsibility for delivery must attend an ASDAN introductory workshop, webinar or INSET. Book at:
• Training to deliver Personal Development Programmes is not a mandatory requirement, however it is highly recommended to ensure that the centre and learners obtain the maximum benefit from the programme.

2. Register with ASDAN

• You will need ASDAN Programmes Plus membership to deliver Personal Development Programmes. Membership allows centres to purchase materials and access support, including regular mailings and updates.
• Become a member at: or manage your existing membership at:

3. Create a new cohort

• Create a new cohort using the ASDAN website:
• Specify a course co-ordinator, the expected completion date and the number of learners taking the course. Select student books for your learners.

4. Purchase supporting resources

• Buy optional supporting resources, including tutor guidance and resource packs. Available products are listed on this page. 

5. Delivery 

• Deliver the course to your learners. Resources, such as skills sheets and recording
templates, can be downloaded from the course resources section on this page.

6. Internal moderation

• Internally moderate all portfolios to ensure that learners have met the full requirements of the course. Ensure learners are given time to make any necessary amendments. Internal moderation checklists are provided to support this process.

7. External moderation

• Book your moderation at:
• Confirm your learner names and details for moderation:
• ASDAN will request a sample of portfolios for moderation, by post or at a regional meeting. Direct Certification Status (DCS) is also available to members who have had three successful moderations in the last three years. DCS is valid for two years.
• Certificates will be delivered to your centre within 20 working days of a successful moderation taking place.

If credits gained from a Short Course are being used towards another programme or qualification, you must ensure that both the Short Course certificate and the student’s portfolio are presented at external moderation. If submitting portfolios for assessment at a regional moderation meeting, it is mandatory for at least one member of staff from the centre to attend the meeting. The member of staff attending will act as an independent moderator, undertaking moderation of other centres’ portfolios. This independent moderation will then be confirmed by an ASDAN external moderator.

ASDAN training events are delivered by experts to enable your centre to successfully run our courses. They provide an introduction to the course, along with guidance on the processes involved, course delivery and moderation.

Book training


All costs shown below are per candidate, unless otherwise stated. Each learner will need their own copy of the student book. 
Books purchased for Personal Development Programmes are valid for three years from the date of purchase.

Item Price
Personal Development Programmes student book 2021 (one per learner) £15.95
Certification (per learner, per certificate) £7

Products can be purchased below.


Course resources

Tutor guide: skills sheets

This guide contains information about the skills sheets, how to complete them, how many to complete and the different formats available. This guide can be used as a reference point throughout the course to inform best practice.

Tutor guide: skills self-assessment and self-reflection

This guide contains information about the skills self-assessment and self-reflection, how and when to complete them and the different formats available. This guide can be used as a reference point throughout the course to inform best practice.

Course introduction for tutors PowerPoint

This PowerPoint contains an introduction to the course and an overview of the course structure and requirements. This resource is suitable for tutors delivering the course. This PowerPoint can be used at the start of the course or as a reference point throughout to understand the basics of delivering PDP.

Tutor guide: personal review

This guide contains information about the personal review, how and when to complete it and the different formats available. This guide can be used as a reference point throughout the course to inform best practice.

List of course resources for Personal Development Programmes 2021

Practice skills sheet: PDF, PowerPoint and Word

The practice skills sheet is a condensed version of the full skill sheets. It includes a shortened plan and review section on one side of A4. This resource is suitable for learners. This template can be used near the beginning of the course to introduce learners to the process of planning and reviewing. This resource has been made available in different formats to enable you to make any reasonable adjustments to meet the needs of your learners.

Bronze skills sheet: PDF, PowerPoint and Word (mandatory)

The Bronze skills sheet is a template for structuring evidence of a learner’s ability to plan and review their own learning. This is a mandatory recording document and is a vital part of any Personal Development Programme. This resource is suitable for learners. This template can be used to prepare learners for a challenge (plan) and help them reflect on their own performance after the challenge has been completed (review). Learners working towards a Bronze, Silver or Gold Personal Development Programme should complete three sets of Bronze skills sheets. This resource has been made available in different formats to enable you to make any reasonable adjustments to meet the needs of your learners.

Silver skills sheet: PDF, PowerPoint and Word (mandatory)

The Silver skills sheet is a template for structuring evidence of a learner’s ability to plan and review their own learning. This is a mandatory recording document and is a vital part of the Silver and Gold Personal Development Programmes. This resource is suitable for learners. This template can be used to prepare learners for a challenge (plan) and help them reflect on their own performance after the challenge has been completed (review). Learners working towards a Silver or Gold Personal Development Programme should complete three sets of Silver skills sheets. This resource has been made available in different formats to enable you to make any reasonable adjustments to meet the needs of your learners.

Gold skills sheet: PDF, PowerPoint and Word (mandatory)

The Gold skills sheet is a template for structuring evidence of a learner’s ability to plan and review their own learning. This is a mandatory recording document and is a vital part of the Gold Personal Development Programme. This resource is suitable for learners. This template can be used to prepare learners for a challenge (plan) and help them reflect on their own performance after the challenge has been completed (review). Learners working towards a Gold Personal Development Programme should complete three sets of Gold skills sheets. This resource has been made available in different formats to enable you to make any reasonable adjustments to meet the needs of your learners.

Completed examples of skills sheets

These are completed versions of the Bronze, Silver and Gold skills sheets. This resource can be used to give tutors and learners an indication of what is required at each level.

Skills self-assessment: PDF, PowerPoint and Word (mandatory in the student book)

The skills self-assessment should be used at the start of the course to establish how confident learners are in each of the six skills. This is a mandatory recording document and is a vital part of any Personal Development Programme. This assessment asks learners to rate how confident they feel about each skill and why they feel this way. This should prompt a discussion between the tutor and the learner about which skills they would like to work on throughout their challenges and what they need to improve. You may wish to repeat the assessment at particular points during the course, for example at the end of term or the school year. This resource has been made available in different formats to enable you to make any reasonable adjustments to meet the needs of your learners.

Skills self-reflection: PDF, PowerPoint and Word (mandatory in the student book)

The skills self-assessment should be used at the end of the course to demonstrate learners’ progression in each of the six skills. This is a mandatory recording document and is a vital part of any Personal Development Programme. This assessment asks learners to rate their confidence again and to provide examples of when they have used each skill. This should prompt a discussion between the tutor and the learner about how their level of confidence has changed since starting their Personal Development Programme. You may wish to repeat the reflection at particular points during the course, for example at the end of term or the school year. This resource has been made available in different formats to enable you to make any reasonable adjustments to meet the needs of your learners.

Completed examples of skills self-assessment and self-reflection

These are completed versions of the skills self-assessment and self-reflection. This resource can be used to give tutors and learners an indication of what is required for the self-assessment and self-reflection.

Personal review: PDF, PowerPoint and Word (mandatory in the student book)

The personal review is a template that should be used at the end of the course to encourage learners to reflect on what they have gained from completing their challenges and what they hope to do in the future. This is a mandatory recording document and is a vital part of any Personal Development Programme. The personal review template should form part of a discussion between the tutor and the learner about what they have done well during their Personal Development Programme and what the learner needs to improve, as well as their plans for the future. You may wish to repeat the review at particular points during the course, for example at the end of term or the school year. This resource has been made available in different formats to enable you to make any reasonable adjustments to meet the needs of your learners.

Completed example of a personal review

This is a completed version of the personal review. This resource can be used to give tutors and learners an indication of what is required for the personal review.

Record of progress: PDF and Word

The record of progress is a template for learners to record the challenges they complete throughout the course. This is a mandatory recording document that must be completed as part of any Personal Development Programme. This resource can be used to help learners track their progress throughout the course by ticking off the challenges that they complete and recording the number of credits that they earn. This resource has been made available in different formats to enable you to make any reasonable adjustments to meet the needs of your learners.

Tutor record: PDF and Word

The tutor record is a template for tutors to record a summary of achievement for their learners working towards a Bronze, Silver or Gold Personal Development Programme. This is a mandatory recording document that must be completed by the tutor. This resource can be used for tutors to track learner progress throughout the course/s by ticking off the key recording documents that they complete and recording the number of credits that they earn.

Evidence checklist: PDF, PowerPoint and Word

The evidence checklist is a template for learners to plan what evidence they will provide for their chosen challenges. This resource can be used at the beginning of a challenge to help learners plan what kind of evidence they will need and help them to structure their portfolio of evidence. This resource has been made available in different formats to enable you to make any reasonable adjustments to meet the needs of your learners.

Course introduction for learners PowerPoint

This PowerPoint contains an introduction to the course, helpful information on getting started, choosing challenges, collecting evidence and keeping track of progress. This resource is suitable for learners. This PowerPoint can be used at the start of the course to introduce learners to PDP. This resource has been made available in this format to enable you to make any reasonable adjustments to meet the needs of your learners.

'How to' guides for learners: PowerPoint

These ‘how to’ guides contain helpful information and useful tips for learners to help them complete the skills self-assessment, a skills sheet plan, a skills sheet review, the skills self-reflection and the personal review. The guides can be used throughout the course for learners to check their understanding of how to complete the various recording documents. You may find it helpful to return to the guides as a refresher, for example when your learners are ready to start a new skills sheet. These resources have been made available in this format to enable you to make any reasonable adjustments to meet the needs of your learners.

All module introduction PowerPoints 1-13

These PowerPoints contain an introduction to each of the modules within the Personal Development Programmes. They include an overview of the module, the types of challenges included and a list of related keywords. This PowerPoint can be used to introduce learners to a new module or help them decide which modules they are interested in. This resource has been made available in this format to enable you to make any reasonable adjustments to meet the needs of your learners.

Glossary of terms PDF

The glossary of terms is a list of words and their definitions, organised by each of the six skills. The glossary of terms is a helpful tool for learners to check their understanding of words that they may come across throughout the course. It may be helpful for tutors to use the glossary of terms as a reference point and choose to share specific words with their learners at relevant points in the course, for example at the start of a challenge or introducing the six skills.

Recording templates: PDF, PowerPoint, Word

These recording templates are designed to support various aspects of the challenges such as activity tracking, journaling, recording ideas, group work and evaluating performance. The recording templates can be used to help learners to structure their evidence for the challenges that they complete. These resources have been made available in different formats to enable you to make any reasonable adjustments to meet the needs of your learners.

Bronze moderation checklist: PDF and Word (mandatory)

This moderation checklist is used to record internal and external moderation for the Bronze Personal Development Programme. It lists the mandatory requirements for moderation, with space for notes and feedback. A copy of this checklist must be included at the front of each learner’s portfolio when submitted for external moderation. Internal moderation is a mandatory requirement.

Silver moderation checklist: PDF and Word (mandatory)

This moderation checklist is used to record internal and external moderation for the Silver Personal Development Programme. It lists the mandatory requirements for moderation, with space for notes and feedback. A copy of this checklist must be included at the front of each learner’s portfolio when submitted for external moderation. Internal moderation is a mandatory requirement.

Gold moderation checklist: PDF and Word (mandatory)

This moderation checklist is used to record internal and external moderation for the Gold Personal Development Programme. It lists the mandatory requirements for moderation, with space for notes and feedback. A copy of this checklist must be included at the front of each learner’s portfolio when submitted for external moderation. Internal moderation is a mandatory requirement.

Bronze Credits to Bronze moderation checklist: Word

This moderation checklist is used to record internal and external moderation for the Bronze Personal Development Programme, where prior achievement is being claimed from Bronze Credits (achieved using the 2014 version of PDP). It lists the mandatory requirements for moderation, with space for notes and feedback. A copy of this checklist must be included at the front of each learner’s portfolio when submitted for external moderation. Internal moderation is a mandatory requirement.

Bronze Credits to Bronze moderation checklist: PDF

This moderation checklist is used to record internal and external moderation for the Bronze Personal Development Programme, where prior achievement is being claimed from Bronze Credits (achieved using the 2014 version of PDP). It lists the mandatory requirements for moderation, with space for notes and feedback. A copy of this checklist must be included at the front of each learner’s portfolio when submitted for external moderation. Internal moderation is a mandatory requirement.

ASDAN programmes moderation meetings code of conduct

This code of conduct details what is expected of staff attending ASDAN programmes moderation meetings.

ASDAN programmes internal moderation sampling record

This generic internal moderation sampling plan can be used throughout the delivery of all ASDAN. The template provides space to record which learners, modules and assessors have been sampled for internal moderation and standardisation. Internal moderation is a mandatory requirement.

ASDAN programmes internal moderation checklist

This generic internal moderation checklist can be used throughout the delivery of all ASDAN programmes to record internal moderation and standardisation. The template provides space for feedback and action points. Internal moderation is a mandatory requirement.

Bronze, Silver, Gold: 6A1 - Christmas dinner shopping list

This worksheet links to challenge 6A1 of the ASDAN Bronze, Silver, Gold Personal Development Programmes.nnThis Christmas dinner shopping list can be used by students to compare prices of items for a typical Christmas dinner at two supermarkets. Learners could use the Internet to find prices or visit supermarkets and find the costs in person. Tutors could specify pack sizes or weights for each item to make the comparisons fairer.nnAs an extension task, learners could factor in deals and multi-buy offers, or compare the costs of branded goods with own-brand alternatives.

Bronze, Silver, Gold: 4A2 - Healthy snacks for a packed lunch

This resource links to challenge 4A2 of the ASDAN Bronze, Silver, Gold Personal Development Programmes.nnThese worksheets can be used by learners to plan and make a healthy snack for one person as part of a packed lunch. As an extension task learners could scale up their snack and make enough for a group to share as part of a picnic, with each learner bringing along a different type of healthy snack to share.

Bronze, Silver, Gold: skills summary

This skills summary can be used to record skills development within the ASDAN Bronze, Silver, Gold Personal Development Programmes. Learners can record how they have used the ASDAN skills (Teamwork, Learning. Coping with problems, Use of maths, Use of English, Use of IT) in a particular challenge, project or activity.

Evaluation chart (individual)

This evaluation chart can be used by learners to evaluate a six-week individual activity. Learners are asked to mark on the graph each week to show what they did and how they felt; at the end of the project the learner should join up the marks to give a picture of the whole activity. This resource is particularly suited to challenges in Short Courses, Personal Development Programmes (Bronze, Silver, Gold), CoPE and Wider Key Skills.

Evaluation chart (group)

This evaluation chart can be used by learners to evaluate a six-week group activity. Each member of the group should choose a different colour and mark on the graph each week to show what they did and how they felt. At the end of the project, each group member then joins up their marks to give a picture of the whole activity. This resource is particularly suited to challenges in Short Courses, Personal Development Programmes (Bronze, Silver, Gold), CoPE and Wider Key Skills.

PDP long term plan

Fundraising event plan

This resource can be used by learners to plan a fundraising event (e.g. Comic Relief, Children in Need, Jeans for Genes Day, World's Biggest Coffee Morning). It is linked to the ASDAN Certificate of Personal Effectiveness (CoPE) Levels 1 and 2 (Module 2, Section B) and ASDAN Personal Development Programmes (Bronze, Silver, Gold) (challenge 2B1).

Fundraising event review

This resource can be used by learners to review a fundraising event that they have organised (e.g. Comic Relief, Children in Need, Jeans for Genes Day, World's Biggest Coffee Morning). It is linked to the ASDAN Certificate of Personal Effectiveness (CoPE) Levels 1 and 2 (Module 2, Section B) and ASDAN Personal Development Programmes (Bronze, Silver, Gold) (challenge 2B1).

Scheme of work template

This template can be used to plan and create a scheme of work for any ASDAN programme or qualification. Also included is a completed example showing a scheme of work for Module 3 of the Personal Development Programmes.

Self-evaluation template

This generic self-evaluation template can be used by learners to evaluate almost any group activity. Learners are asked to record how they felt about the activity and pick out the best and worst bits, before reflecting on what they could do better next time. This resource is particularly suited to challenges in Short Courses, Personal Development Programmes (Bronze, Silver, Gold), CoPE and Wider Key Skills.

Social action ideas: lesson PowerPoint

This PowerPoint can be used at the start of a social action project to gather ideas and make a pledge and plan for social action. The PowerPoint outlines a three-part lesson to generate ideas and start making plans. A supporting worksheet is also available. This resource links to CoPE Levels 1 and 2 (Module 2: Citizenship and community, Section B) and ASDAN Bronze, Silver, Gold Personal Development Programmes (Module 2: The community, Section B, Challenge 1).

Social action ideas: Mind map and plan

This worksheet can be used at the start of a social action project to come up with ideas, make a pledge and write a plan. A lesson PowerPoint outlining a three-part lesson based on social action is also available. This resource links to CoPE Levels 1 and 2 (Module 2: Citizenship and Community, Section B) and ASDAN Bronze, Silver, Gold Personal Development Programmes (Module 2: The Community, Section B, Challenge 1).

Teamwork health check

This generic teamwork health check template can support a wide range of group activities. Learners are asked to come up with a list of agreed ground rules for good teamwork, then rate each group member's performance against these criteria. This resource is particularly suited to challenges in Short Courses, Personal Development Programmes (Bronze, Silver, Gold), CoPE and Wider Key Skills.

Course overview for centre staff and parents PowerPoint

This PowerPoint contains an introduction to the course, what learners will do, the benefits of PDP and learner certification. This resource is suitable for centre staff and parents. This PowerPoint can be used for briefing centre staff and parents about the benefits of the course.

Success stories

‘You can help all students achieve through Personal Development Programmes’

ASDAN’s Personal Development Programmes engage and motivate learners through a personalised curriculum. Sarah Hall, Head of Year 9 at The Market Weighton School, shares how the programmes boosted students’ self-belief and broadened their experiences.

ASDAN boosts student resilience and engagement with wider world

ASDAN’s Personal Development Programmes complement core subjects while fostering life skills for success beyond education. Shelley Evett, ASDAN lead at Inaura School, shares how the programmes improve students’ future prospects.

Personalised learning builds self-belief and confidence

Students undertaking ASDAN’s Personal Development Programmes (PDP) in a Lancashire school have immersed themselves in the course, surprising staff with their level of commitment and enthusiasm. We spoke to their teacher Julia Boughton to find out more.