Towards Independence

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About this course

Towards Independence

Towards Independence provides a framework of activities to develop and accredit personal, social, work-related and independent living skills.

Towards Independence offers formal recognition for small steps of achievement towards a larger goal. There are more than 80 modules, which can be used separately and accumulated to build a record of personal achievement.

Addressing SEND areas of need

ASDAN has produced a series of guidance documents showing how components of our programmes and qualifications can meet the four broad areas of need outlined in the SEND code of practice. Download our free guide to addressing SEND areas of need using Towards Independence.

New Towards Independence materials 

ASDAN has undertaken a full review of Towards Independence to update its content and ensure it continues to positively impact and create meaningful outcomes for young people with diverse needs. Changes have been made to the course materials, including module books, tutor guidance and reference books. There is now a bank of 88 modules available to choose from for your learners to enjoy.

Our Towards Independence: changes for 2024 document outlines how the modules have been updated and developed following feedback from our members, as well as the titles of brand new modules created.

To find out more details on the review process and the development areas, read our Towards Independence review blog.


To teach this course you must have one of these membership types:

  • Programmes Plus
  • Qualifications

Already a member? Sign in

Who is it for?

  • Adult learners
  • Learners aged 14+

Towards Independence can be used in schools, colleges, residential and day care services, local authorities and private provision.


For those seeking a qualification outcome, Towards Independence can be used to support the delivery of the Entry 1 qualifications in Personal Progress – download this mapping document for details.

There is also scope for progression through:


Towards Independence modules cover the following themes: 

  • Communication and numeracy
  • Creative studies
  • Cultural
  • Independent living
  • Leisure, recreation and sport
  • Personal development, PSHE and citizenship
  • Work-related
  • Sensory and more widely accessible modules

​There are more than 80 modules available – see the full list of Towards Independence modules.

Each learner will need their own copy of the relevant module book, which registered centres can purchased below.


The first module – Starting out – is mandatory. This module enables learners to be helped to recognise achievements and plan targets and challenges, which can then be developed through further modules.

Levels of support are used to show how the learner has achieved the activity. They show individual progression and differentiation between learners:

  • Experience recorded
  • Gestural help
  • No help
  • Physical help
  • Sensory experience
  • Spoken/signed help

Additionally, there is an opportunity to record students' achievements by allocating a P level or other descriptor to their work, as appropriate.

Supporting resources

A Towards Independence tutor guidance and resources folder is available to buy, which includes an overview of the programme, photocopiable resources, ideas for gathering evidence, and answers to frequently asked questions.

In addition, free downloadable resources to support delivery and capturing of evidence for portfolios are available the Course resources section of this page.

The module reference book contains the curriculum for every module and will help tutors plan which modules are most suitable for their learners.

Getting started

New to ASDAN?

Your first step is to become a member of ASDAN. Read more about our membership tiers and the benefits of being a member.

Already a member?

If you are on our Programmes Plus membership, you can get started by purchasing materials below. We highly recommend that someone from your centre attends one of our introductory training workshops or we also provide in-house training sessions. 

You can upgrade your membership at any time under account settings.

ASDAN members area

You can manage your courses, learners, orders and account settings in the members’ area. This also contains all the essential documents, forms and updates that you will need to deliver your course.


After students' work has been internally moderated, centres must register candidates for external moderation, which is carried out at a regional moderation meeting or by post. ASDAN will issue certificates following successful external moderation.

There is no minimum number of Towards Independence modules required for certification; centres may wish to have learners’ work moderated and certificated one module at a time or wait until they have completed several modules. Up to five module titles can be included on each TI certificate for each learner. If a learner is entered for more than five modules, they will receive more than one certificate and the centre will
be charged accordingly. 

1. Staff training

• The members of staff with overall responsibility for delivery must attend an ASDAN introductory workshop, webinar or INSET. Book at:
• Training to deliver Preparing for Adulthood courses is not a mandatory requirement, however it is highly recommended to ensure that the centre and learners obtain the maximum benefit from the programme.

2. Register with ASDAN

• You will need ASDAN Programmes Plus membership to deliver Preparing for Adulthood courses. Membership allows centres to purchase materials and access support, including regular mailings and updates.
• Become a member at: or manage your existing membership at:

3. Create a new cohort

• Create a new cohort using the ASDAN website:
• Specify a course co-ordinator, the expected completion date and the number of learners taking the course. Select student books for your learners.

4. Purchase supporting resources

• Buy optional supporting resources. Available products are listed on this page. 

5. Delivery 

• Deliver the course to your learners. Resources can be downloaded from the course resources section on this page.

6. Internal moderation

• Internally moderate all portfolios to ensure that learners have met the full requirements of the course. Ensure learners are given time to make any necessary amendments. Internal moderation checklists are provided to support this process.

7. External moderation

• Book your moderation at:
• Confirm your learner names and details for moderation:
• ASDAN will request a sample of portfolios for moderation, by post or at a regional meeting. Direct Certification Status (DCS) is also available to members who have had three successful moderations in the last three years. DCS is valid for two years.
• Certificates will be delivered to your centre within 20 working days of a successful moderation taking place.

If submitting portfolios for assessment at a regional moderation meeting, it is mandatory for at least one member of staff from the centre to attend the meeting. The member of staff attending will act as an independent moderator, undertaking moderation of other centres’ portfolios. This independent moderation will then be confirmed by an ASDAN external moderator.


All costs shown below are per learner, unless otherwise stated.
Books purchased for Towards Independence are valid for five years from the date of purchase.  

Item Price

 Towards Independence Starting Out module and folder


 Starting Out mandatory module book only


 Towards Independence module book


 Towards Independence module reference book


 Postal moderation (on demand, per portfolio)


 Certification (up to five modules)


All products can be purchased below.

Success stories

Achievements of adult learners captured in flexible programme

Social care provider Sense Scotland started delivering ASDAN’s Towards Independence to recognise and celebrate the skills and knowledge of learners aged 18 and over.

Learners develop business enterprise skills and enhance self-confidence

Girvan Opportunities Day Service in South Ayrshire provides a range of holistic and personalised learning opportunities to adults with learning disabilities. Students develop new skills with a view to achieving their own personal outcomes.